We, at Nyaaya, have embarked upon a new format of monthly spotlights on our website and social media channels anchoring around one law and explaining different issues in relation to it. These will include interviews with subject matter experts, guides, interactive maps, online discussions, special bite sized social media posts explaining laws through infographics, quizzes and so on.
Our Spotlight for the month of December 2020 is on laws preventing violence against women. In case you missed the launch on social media, here is the lineup for this month:
Week 1: Violence at Public Spaces
The medico-legal process followed in cases of sexual assualt can be confusing and intimidating for the survivor. We have created a Guide on Medico Legal Examination for Sexual Assault. We have provided a summary of the process which has to be followed, from first aid and medical examination, legal process, rights of survivors and more information.
Read this guide here.
We launched our new explainer which talks about Acid Attacks. It discusses the rights of survivors, obligations of governments and role of shopkeepers. This can help in understanding the law and medico-legal processes involved with acid attack.
Read the full explainer here.
Our Sexual Crimes explainer is now also available in audio. In an effort to make our content more accessible, we will continue to add more explainers in an audio format.
Listen to our audio explainer on each explanation on the Sexual Crimes explainer here.
Follow our Spotify playlist on Sexual Crimes here.
In our latest Nyaaya Speaks, we spoke to Adv. Divya Jaiswal, from the Centre for Social Justice, about the issue of witch-hunting and the laws that deal with it. She talks about what actually happens in the cases of witch-hunting, the socio-cultural reasons behind this practice, how the justice system deals with it and whether the laws that deal with it need improvement. This video is in Hindi.
Watch this video here.
To read more about the law on protection of women in public places, read our explainers on Sexual Crimes and Rape.
Week 2: Violence in Online Spaces
Continuing with our efforts to raise awareness and stop violence against women, we have created this interactive map that shows you different resources, schemes and helplines numbers available by different State governments in India for women.
Access this map here.
In our latest of Nyaaya Speaks we interviewed Adv. Devika Doshi, a counsel practicing before the Bombay High Court and matrimonial courts on the law on online violence and important aspects of reporting such crimes. The interview covers many forms of violence like doxxing, revenge porn, cyber stalking and so on.
Watch this video here.
We spoke to Tara Bedi, the Public Policy Manager at Instagram India, to understand how you can use Instagram tools to stay safe on the platform.
Watch this video here.
Week 3: Violence at Home
Our explainers on Domestic Violence and Dowry are now available in audio, in English and Hindi.
Follow us on Spotify here to get updates on all audio explainers.
We conducted an exclusive interview in Kannada with Mr Ganesh Babu, Senior Law Officer and Legal Advisor in the Office of the Commissioner of Police, Bangalore. He gave an overview on the operation of the laws on protecting women from violence, based on his rich experience.
Watch this video here.
Back on International Girl Child Day, we spoke to our friends at Breakthrough India to understand the problem of early marriage and how widespread it is in India and how much further we need to go to end this social evil.
Read this conversation here.
We spoke to Advocate Mrunalini Deshmukh about DomesticViolence. She is a renowned senior lawyer from Mumbai who has experience in family and matrimonial law for over two decades now. We talked about the different aspects of domestic violence, the different kinds of legal protections available and how to avail them.
Watch this video here.
Week 4: Violence at Workplace
Our explainers on Sexual Harassment at the Workplace are now available in audio, in English and Hindi.
Follow us on Spotify here to get updates on all audio explainers.
We had a chat with Pallavi Pareek from Ungender where we discussed the law preventing sexual harassment at the workplace and other policies that make workplaces more inclusive for all marginalised genders.
Watch this video here.
Through popular fairy tales like Sleeping Beauty and Rapunzel, we explain laws on consent and wrongful confinement.
Read full post here.
The Nyaaya Christmas Story takes to through the journey of the Maria family and explains different legal concepts like consent, kidnapping, voyeurism and so on.
Read this blog to know more.
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